Thursday, March 26, 2015

La corsa degli incubi

The race of nightmares
oil on paper




Monday, March 16, 2015

collaborations !

Questa tavola รจ il risultato di un'interessante e fruttuosa collaborazione con mia sorella Ilaria !

30X40 acrilico e tanto divertimento su carta.

This painting is the result of an interesting and fruitful collaboration with my sister Ilaria !

30x40 acrylic  and lots of  fun on paper.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Pensavo a i vecchietti seduti sulle panchine dei centri commerciali a guardia di buste e carrelli della spesa, fermi a lungo -troppo- con le mani sulle ginocchia in questa confusione di musica brutta e luci artificiali. Pensavo ad una creatura premurosa e paziente, armata di scure ed unghie affilate a tener loro compagnia e ad attendere il ritorno dei parenti ritardatari...

Today I thought about all the frail old people, left waiting by their relatives on the benches of the shopping malls, like guardian angels for bags and carts; sitting too still, waiting far too long, hands on their knees and quiet stares, in this ugly chaos of bad music and artificial lights. And I imagined a thoughtful, patient creature, armed with an axe and sharp nails, that keeps them company and waits, too, for the return of the laggard relatives...